
We want you to have the best experience possible with your hearing device. When problems arise, this troubleshooting guide will help you to solve common problems.

Whistling or creaming or feedback sound

    1) The ear dome might be improperly placed and seated in your ear, or it is not occlusive in the ear canal. Do not allow any space between the dome and the ear canal.
    2) Try to reinsert the dome fully or replacing it with a bigger size or different style ear dome.
    3)If this doesn’t fix the issue, turn down the volume and try again. It may be a result of too much sound trying to get through, please use it at the lower volume level.

    Stop working/no sound/sound is weak

    1)Check the volume, try to turn up the volume level.
    2)Check if the battery is discharged, put the amplifier back to the charging box for charging. (Refer to charging light illustration)
    3)Check the sound outlet, the outlet may be blocked by ear wax, in this case you need to clean it by cleaning brush or change a new wax guard.

      Sound is inconsistent/intermittent/distortion

        1) Check the microphone, sound outlet, or ear dome, there may be wax or some other dirt to interrupt the sound, clean it and try again.
        2) The battery might be at a low level, put the amplifier back to the charging box for charging.
        3) There may be moisture in the amplifier, use a dehumidifier or dryer box to remove the unwanted moisture and try it again.

        2. Hearing Device Adaptation

        Every person reacts differently the first-time to wear the device. Below is a rehabilitation plan for first time users or those using a new hearing device.

        The First Week

        It is recommended to start using your new device 1 to 2 hours per day in a relatively quiet indoor environment like at home, try it in regular conversation or watching TV to acclimate to your hearing device gradually.

        The Second Week

        You may wear your hearing device to a quiet outdoor environment like in a park, you can increase the using time to 3-4hours per day as your ears are getting used to the device, but do not overdo it.

        The Third Week

        You may bring your hearing device to public areas, like the restaurant or workplace, you may try to have a dialogue with your friends. You can extend the daily use to 5-6hours per day as you are getting tolerant to your device.

        The Fourth Week

        Try your hearing device in different environments and keep acclimating to your device. Now you would be more familiar with your device and enjoy life with the sounds. It’s time to enjoy the sounds of the world again!
